I figure it never hurts to ask. The worst most people will do is to say no, so I figure we might as well ask if we want something. When I was on the Outer Banks in May, several people suggested that I should contact David Stick about talking with me. He is a very well known historian that has written many books about the Outer Banks. He's the person that is interviewed for all the documentaries about the area.
This is the link to his pages on Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/102-9689285-3643329?%5Fencoding=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books&field-author=David%20Stick
Anyway, the reason I mention this is because, I'm going to interview him for my next Lilah book. We're meeting this Saturday and it turns out that he was the county commissioner during the time when the story will take place. How cool is that?
Its going to be a rush trip, but any trip to Nags Head is fine with me :) I even found a place to stay for about $50 a night. That will work into the budget and I'm going to contact the bookstores that are carrying my books to see if I can restock anyone while I'm in town.
Now, I get to cram a month of research into about a week to get ready for our meeting. Good thing I love to read :) I also met with the real Kristy (main character in Lilah and the Locket is based on her) and we talked about some research I want to do with her for the sequel and she's excited about getting started. And, the newest character who will be introduced in the sequel is due to be born in January :)
Nikki Leigh