Monday, June 22, 2009

Interview With Muze – of Muze’s Musings

(Muze’s Musings is the title of Nikki Leigh’s blog and a column in Book Promo 101)

In my latest release – Book Promo 201: Harness the Power of the Internet with Web 2.0 and Social Media Marketing, there are tips interspersed throughout the book in the Muze’s Musings column. That element of Book Promo 201 is what inspired the title for Nikki’s blog – I thought it would be fun for others to get to know Muze a bit better. First, he is a real cat and that is his picture in the book. At the moment I’m writing this, he is lying about 4 feet from my computer and he is sprawled out on a stuffed bear. It looks like a very comfortable place to “meditate” and sleep. There’s a picture of Muze with the bear on the blog. (Parts of this interview were written before Book Promo 201 was released.)

I do have another cat, Shadow, who has been with me for almost seven years. He’s a bobtail cat and spoiled rotten. Actually, they are both spoiled rotten – but most cats I’ve ever met are spoiled. Muze came to live with me 2 years ago and he was about 7 weeks old at the time. So, he’s been with me almost his whole life. I got him right after I started freelancing fulltime, so he’s used to having me home most of the time. He gets upset when I go to the grocery store – isn’t it great to be missed?

Muze spends much of the day curled up beside me. There are mornings when I turn on the laptop and Muze hears the Windows music when the computer is starting up, he runs through the house and gets settled beside the computer. If I don’t start working soon, he starts “talking” to me. He knows it’s time to start working. Muze is actually very shy and he even hides from my family. Although, he is starting to come out from under the bed when dad and mom drop by. I’ve taken off for a week and had friends or my aunt feed Shadow and Muze and they all insist that they never saw Muze the whole time I was gone. One day maybe he’ll be more friendly, but for now Shadow and I get his full attention. Well, he also gives the birds outside my house a lot of attention, but they come up on the deck and tease my cats. They love to rest by the back door and the birds sit in the trees in my back yard and on the deck rail. It gets very animated late in the day.

I’m going to talk with Muze and see what he has to say. If anyone has questions for him, feel free to send them to me and I’ll include them on the blog (nikki_leigh22939 at

NIKKI – Good morning, Muze. How are you this morning?

MUZE – I’m just relaxing stretched out on the bear and looking out the window. It’s rainy and cool, so there aren’t any squirrels running around in the flower beds this morning.

NIKKI – You do look really comfortable. The weather is supposed to clear up soon, so the squirrels and the birds should be back soon.

MUZE – That sounds good. What are you working on this morning?

NIKKI – I’m taking a break from working on scheduling Dyan Garris’ next virtual book tour and I’m writing an article about you.

MUZE – (he sits up very straight and proud) You’re writing about ME. Sounds like an interesting topic.

NIKKI – That’s my Muze. I told the readers that you have a column in Book Promo. Do you want to tell them what is included in that part of the book?

MUZE – Muze’s Musings is named for me and it’s a place where I share promotional tips and tidbits with you. Nikki had many authors and some business people contribute some of their promotional experiences and that was a great part of the book. But, I’m her writing assistant and it’s so great that she decided to give me a column. I really like that she used that name for her blog.

NIKKI – Do you pick on Shadow that he doesn’t have a blog named after him?

MUZE – No, not yet. I might save that for one day when he’s picking on me about something. I really think he would be jealous and you know, we’re really good friends… most of the time.

NIKKI – I think he would be jealous too. I’m thinking about including him in Book Promo 201 – so he will have his own column. Don’t you think that’s fair?

MUZE – I guess it would be fair – to him.

NIKKI – Don’t worry, you’ll still be there.

MUZE – That would be all right – just don’t leave me out.

NIKKI – Muze, how could I leave you out? It’s so cute that you curl up beside me and rest your head on my leg when I’m working. I have noticed that you get kind of insistent when I’m on the phone.

MUZE – I know you have to talk with clients and I understand you have a radio show on Monday afternoons, but I wish you could play with me while you’re on the phone.

NIKKI – I’ll try to do better. Just be patient when I’m on the computer making notes or writing notes while I’m on the phone. I only have 2 hands, but I know that you need attention on a very regular basis.

MUZE – I’m glad to hear that you understand I need regular attention. So, when are you going to write another novel? I like that because you stay in one place for hours at a time and I can curl up beside you and especially on a cold day.

NIKKI – I need to find time to finish Book Promo 201 and a couple of short stories. The promotional services business is starting to do pretty well and coordinating tours is taking a lot of my time. But, you enjoy sleeping next to me while I spend hours searching for blogs for tours.

MUZE – That’s true. Anything you’re working on that keeps you on the computer works out pretty good for me. It’s nice that Shadow prefers to sleep in boxes – that makes it easier for me to nap next to you.

NIKKI – I’m glad you took a break from your nap to talk with me. Is there anything else you would like to tell people?

MUZE – I want them to make sure they check out the Muze’s Musings sections in Book Promo and send cards and letters and emails to make sure that I’m in Book Promo 201. My fans will save me.

NIKKI – Muze, you’re a mess. You will be in the book and I hope that you will be with me for a long time.

MUZE - I’m pretty easy, let me curl up beside you to sleep, scratch my neck when I tug on your arm, feed me, leave the water dripping in the tub so I can get a drink and we don’t need to talk about the litter box. I forgot, you need to promise to protect me from Shadow when he is mean to me.

NIKKI – I can do all those things – but you remember that I protect you when Shadow is being mean. If you tease him and he strikes back, the rules change.

MUZE – I know – but usually I’m innocent. Seriously, to everyone reading this – Book Promo

101 is packed full of great promotional information, lots of review questions to get you to dig deeper to learn more and of course, my tips are invaluable. I hope you will all take a chance to learn more about the book, I hear the details are on Nikki’s website I can’t wait to see what great information I can share in Book Promo 201 and 202. I better get started on that before she talks to Shadow. It’s been fun, but I need to get back to work or she might replace me.

NIKKI – Come on Muze, how could I possibly replace you.

MUZE – Purrrrrrr

Muze - overseeing my files :)

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