Monday, October 20, 2008

Virtual Book Tour - Details of The Sage Age

Let's take a look at a description of each chapter in The Sage Age.

The Sage Age - Book Synopsis – Chapter by Chapter

Chapter 1 - The Body Antenna Explores the physical body as an antenna system and how using ritual body postures and breathing techniques helps tune that antenna. It also includes a description of how broadcast and receiving antennas work and compares them to how the body functions.

Chapter 2 - The Physical Body Transceiver Examines the body’s crystal lattice system, which includes the bones and compares them to the shape and makeup of antennas. It also delivers new vibrational models, which demonstrate how the body communicates internally all the way down to cellular level. Included is a section on the electromagnetic light fields of the heart and brain and how they provide the power and transmission signal of the body antenna.

Chapter 3 - The Energy Bodies Explores the types of information that are broadcast and received by the physical body and through the energetic subtle bodies. Descriptions of the meridian and chakra systems are given as well as the characteristics of the individual subtle energy bodies. A section on morphogenetic fields describes where the vibrational information for these systems resides.

Chapter 4 - The Mind-Body Antenna Delves into the mind-body antenna system and explores the power of thought, the existence of thought-forms and healing with intention. It also covers altered states of awareness including how such states are purposely used for healing, precognition and shamanic practice.

Chapter 5 - Metaphysics - The Study of the Intangible World Covers metaphysics and the study of the intangible world. It includes sections on how dualism effects perception; the root of information and knowledge; and how most of what we notice in the world is actually projected from our own memory. This chapter also covers how we incorporate new information and determine meaningfulness and relatedness.

Chapter 6 - Common Roots of Eastern and Western Thought A comparative study in the common roots of both Eastern and Western cultures, which gives insight into understanding how today’s explorations and discoveries are actually the fruit of ancient questions. It also explores the role of symbols in understanding complex, abstract ideas and why we are returning to the use of them.

Chapter 7 - Sound, Light and Time Covers the topics of sound, light and time as these are key ingredients into future understandings concerning our move into the age of vibration. The chapter explores how each topic has historically been used in both the rational sciences and the intuitive arts.

Chapter 8 - Physics - The Study of the Material World Explains physics and the study of the material world in layman’s terms. Sections include topics on fields and forces, phase states of matter and holograms. Each topic has simple analogies with common, everyday type examples to help illustrate the points being brought forward.

Chapter 9 - Waves Defines the different types of waves including light waves and quantum waves and how waves interact to create patterns such as a hologram. Sections also include all known phases of matter and defines the special phase of ultimate coherence.

Chapter 10 - Cosmology - The Study of the Infinitely Large Explores the universe and shows how Einstein's theories challenged Newtonian models and revolutionized our understanding of space, time and spacetime. There is also a section on the zero point field as it relates to cosmology.

Chapter 11 - Quantum Physics - The Study of the Infinitely Small Delves into quantum physics and demystifies the mind-boggling concepts this new science presents. You’ll understand why it has impacted every other branch of science and the controversial nature of what its theories imply. Sections include faster-than-light travel; parallel universes; Chaos Theory; and String Theory. This chapter also discusses the importance of treating information as a fundamental element.

Chapter 12 - Medicine Explores the role and purpose of medicine and gives briefs
on alternative therapies which are gaining popularity. Many of these practices are rooted in ancient traditions, which are being combined with modern therapies.

To learn more about MaAnna Stephenson and The Sage Age, visit and you can subscribe to The Sage Age Newsletter while you are there.

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1 comment:

MaAnna Stephenson said...

Nikki, thank you for providing so much info about The Sage Age on your blog. I will be available to respond to your reader's comments and questions.

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