Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Honest Scrap Award

I received the Honest Scrap Award today from L Diane Wolfe! It seemed like a great opportunity to do something fun and frivolous on a rainy, cold, dreary day.


Below are the guidelines when winning the Honest Scrap award:

1. List 10 honest things about yourself (make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!)

2. Pass the award on to 7 bloggers who will be brutally honest with their answers

So let's start with the 10 honest things about myself:

1. Chick flicks usually make me cry, but I really prefer a good drama or thriller

2. When I sit down to watch a movie - I'm usually doing at least 3-5 other things

3. Anyone who knows me now would never believe I was a very quiet and shy child - really :)

4. People who belittle others to make themselves look good - drive me nuts

5. People labeling every thing as a "condition" and using that as an excuse to do nothing - drives me nuts.

6. I can spell out loud, but have to start at the beginning of the word. Maybe twice :)

7. As a kid I wanted to be an author and a teacher - so teaching others to write and promote would be the final step in reaching those early goals :) Done one, need to do the other.

8. The fact that friends, family and neighbors assume I do nothing all day is irritating - but there is a reason we are warned not to assume things :)

9. There are very few things I can eat or drink that don't make me physically ill - makes meal time a nightmare - but there's always water and crackers :)

10. I'd love to help people realize that sons aren't more important or valued than daughters, but even in the 21st century there are too many people who feel this way, even in the US and even in my immediate area.

Here are 7 blogs (in no particular order) I believe deserve this award now. Remember, this award is given to those who have the gut to say it as it is, to tell the Honest Scrap:

Dyan Garris


Kathleen Gage

Donna Sundblad

Terry L White

Susan Wingate

Joyce Anthony

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